Memoir found in a bathtub


“Memoir found in a bathtub” is a project that is based on unspoken fears and lack of acceptance…and also relief. I started it 3 years ago, while in high-risk pregnancy, which made me vulnerable and in pain. The only safe place where I could stay for nearly half a year was a bathtub and my bed. That is where this small intimae project stems from. I wish to talk about how fragile body is, inherited /transferred memory and nurturing/feeding.  It is also about possible choices, which one must reconsider. Nowadays, as in Poland any choices are taken away from women, the subject become even more actual. Techniques which are applied are: digital photography on homemade objects, collage, private film archive and self-portrait.

Project created as a part of Sputnik Photos Mentoring Programme – mentor Agnieszka Rayss

Book in progress under the mentoring eye of Sara J. Winston from Image Threads.